AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door (6/25/2023) Results: Danielson vs Okada, Omega vs Ospreay, CM Punk & More.


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May 30, 2023

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door (6/25/2023) Results: Danielson vs Okada, Omega vs Ospreay, CM Punk & More.

Welcome to the live discussion & coverage for the 6/25/2023 edition of AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door on BR Live & FITE TV (Internationally). We will bring full results and breakdowns for

Welcome to the live discussion & coverage for the 6/25/2023 edition of AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door on BR Live & FITE TV (Internationally).

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on and

Here's what is set for the show.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door (6/25/2023)

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- RJ City & Renee Paquette welcomed the audience to the broadcast before passing along to the broadcast team of Excalibur, Kevin Kelly & Chris Charlton ahead of the opening match.

Romero & Kaun began the opening contest locking up before Kaun backed Romero into the corner. Romero hit a gut kick on Kaun before hitting a Hurricanrana on Kaun. Trent & Romero hit a Double hip toss before hitting. PK Kick/ Standing Moonsault combo on Kaun for a near fall. Taylor & Trent hit a double elbow drop on Kaun for a near fall. Taylor was distracted by Linoa before Kaun caught Taylor with a jab. Taylor hit Eat Defeat & a running boot on Linoa before Trent hit a dicing crossbody on Linoa. Tyalor & Trent tossed Cage to the outside before Desperado & Romero tossed Swerve & Kaun tot he outside. El Desperado & all the members of CHAOS hit dives on all members of The Mogul Embassy on the outside.

Back in the ring, Trent hit two chops on Linoa, but Linoa responded with a vicious Pop-Up Samoan Drop on Trent before sending Trent flying to the outside off an Irish Whip, with Kaun catching him on the outside with a Shotei. Back in the ring, Kaun tagged in and hit a Springboard Swanton on Trent for a near fall. Kaun tagged in Cage before Kaun, Cage & Linoa hit a double shoulder tackle/ senton drop combo on Trent before Swerve tagged in and hit a Brainbuster on Linoa. Kaun locked in a Guillotine Choke on Trent before he placed Trent on the top rope. Kaun went for a superplex, but Trent hit elbow strikes to drop Kaun, but Cage caught him and hit a Death Valley Driver on Trent to the outside. Linoa went for a senton on the apron, but Trent evaded. Cage hit a Pump Kick on Desperado to send him off the apron before going for a discus lariat on Trent, but Trent evaded and hit a Half & Half Suplex on Cage.

Linoa & Kaun dropped Romero & Taylor off the apron before Swerve hit a diving uppercut on Trent's back. Mogul Embassy hit corner splashes on Trent before Linoa went for one of his own, but Trent evaded before hitting an upkick on Swerve & tagging in El Desperado. Desperado came in hot and hit a Spinebuster on Swerve, a chop and a roundhouse kick on Cage, a Leg Sweep on Kaun into a shotgun dropkick from Kaun onto Linoa, and hit Swerve with a headbutt. CHAOS randomly hugged Desperado in the ring, allowing the Mogul Embassy to attack them from behind. Mogul Embassy then hit a Swinging Powerbomb into a PK kick on Desperado for the pin, but Romero broke the pin. Romero hit the Sliced Bread on Swerve, but Kaun caught him with a Gut Buster. Taylor hit a piledriver on Kaun, but Linoa dropped him before Trent hit Linoa with a DDT. Cage accidentally hit a Discus Lariat on Swerve before Trent & Taylor hit the Strong Zero on Swerve, but Kaun broke the pin. Romero went for the Sliced Bread on Swerve, but Cage caught him before Cage & Swerve hit an F5/ Cutter Combo on Romero. Swerve ended proceedings by hitting the Diving Foot Stomp on Romero for the pinfall win.

- There was a video package promoting Kenny Omega vs Will Ospreay for later in the night.

Starks got a roll-up on Athena before hitting a series of chest kicks and a Black Mass on Athena for a near fall. Athena caught Starks flush with an uppercut before running the ropes, but Starks caught her and hit the Yushigorishi on Athena for a near fall. Starks got Athena's legs and caught her with a forearm strike, but Athena slammed Starks into the middle turnbuckle with the Tijeras. Athena got Starks and hit a Snap-Suplex before rolling over and hitting a Facebuster, sending Starks crashing into her ribs. Athena terrorized the referee before hitting an Irish Whip into a slam on Starks off the middle rope. Athena hit a slap and a gut kick on Starks in the corner before hitting a snap-mare into a Penalty Kick on Starks. Athena climbed to the top rope and went for the O-Face, but Starks caught her with a Thrust Kick before hitting the Death Valley Bomb on Athena for a near fall. Starks hit a snap-mare into a Penalty Kick on Athena before climbing to the top rope, but Athena caught her with a forearm strike. Athena met Starks on the top rope before hitting a Frankensteiner, a Pop-Up Powerbomb, and a Thrust Kick on Starks for a near fall. Athena & Starks exchanged vicious forearm strikes and Shotgun Dropkicks before Athena went for a Standing Moonsault, but Starks evaded before hitting a sliding dropkick on Athena for a near fall. Starks went to the top rope, but Athena rolled onto the apron. Starks went for a Swanton on Athena off the apron, but Athena evaded to send Starks crashing into the apron before catching her with a running knee on the outside. Athena got Starks back in the ring and hit the Torture Rack GTS on Starks for the pinfall win.

- There was a video package promoting the math between Bryan Danielson & Kazuchika Okada for the Main Event of the evening.

Grayson & Phantasmo shook hands before Grayson caught Phantasmo with a boot kick. Grayson laid down the stomps on Phantasmo in the corner, but Phantasmo responded with a takedown before catching Grayson with a running dropkick. Phantasmo went to the ropes and attempted a crossbody, but Grayson caught him and sent Phantasmo crashing onto the mat for a near fall. Grayson hit a chest kick on Phantasmo. Phantasmo hit a forearm strike on Grayson before the two Canadian boys exchanged vicious chops. Grayson & Phantasmo hit slaps on each other & exchanged punches before Phantasmo hit the Purple Nipple on Grayson, but Grayson caught him with a knee strike to send him onto the apron on a delay before hitting a Swanton on Phantasmo into the patron. Back in the ring, Phantasmo hit a Springboard Crossbody before hitting a Tope Suicida on Grayson to the outside. Grayson rolled out of position to evade Phantasmo, but Phantasmo hit a Swanton before hitting Grayson with a Lionsault for a near fall. Grayson hit a Uranage on Phantasmo before hitting a vicious F5 on Phantasmo for a near fall. Grayson climbed to the top rope, but Phantasmo caught him with an enziguri kick before catching him with the Frankensteiner into a Frog Splash on Grayson to get the pin on Grayson, but Grayson kicked out. Phantasmo went for a Thrust Kick, but Grayson blocked it before hitting a Pele Kick and hitting a 450 Splash on Phantasmo to get a pin on "The Headbanger", but Phantasmo kicked out. Grayson got Phantasmo on a Torture Rack, but Phantasmo evaded before hitting the Jody Flush DDT into the Styles Clash on Grayson for the pinfall win.

- There was a video package promoting the match between MJF and Hiroshi Tanahashi for the opening match of the main broadcast.

United Empire immediately attacked LIJ to begin the match. BUSHI hit a Bulldog Kick combo on Fletcher & TJP, but Cobb pulled Bush to the outside before sending him crashing into the broadcast table. Back in the ring, TJP hit a Springboard Senton on BUSHI before Fletcher tagged in and hit BUSHI with a Scoop Slam. Cobb tagged in before hitting a gut kic, a shoulder tackle, and a STanding Moonsault on BUSHI for a near fall, followed by dropping Shing off the apron. Cobb hit a back elbow on BUSHI, but BUSHI caught him with a sliding dropkick before tagging in Takahashi. Hiromu hit a Hurricanrana on Cobb before causing TJP to hit a Hurricanrana on Fletcher. Takahashi tossed TJP onto Cobb before catching Cobb with a Hurricanrana for a near fall. Takahashi went for another HUrricanrana on Cobb, but Cobb caught him and hit a vicious overhead suplex. Shingo & Fletcher tagged in and exchanged elbow strikes before Fletcher hti a Snap-Dragon into a Thrust Kick on Shingo, which TJP responded by hitting a crossbody on Shingo. TJP & Fletcher hit corner splashes on Shingo, followed by Cobb hitting a Twisting Back SUplex before TJP hit a splash on Shingo for a near fall. TJP hit a Spinning Heel Kick on TJP, but Shingo responded with a Pop-Up Death Valley Driver on TJP. LIJ hit the "War Crime" Sequence on TJP before Shingo hit a King Kong Lariat on the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion for a near fall. Takahashi sent Cobb to the outside before hitting him with a dropkick while BUSHI hit a Tope Suicida on Fletcher on the other side. Meanwhile, in the ring, TJP went for a Tornado DDT on Shingo, but Shingo blocked it before eating a Thrust kick and hitting a Lariat on TJP. Shingo then ended proceedings by hitting the Delayed Made In Japan on TJP for the pinfall win. Tranquilos.

- Excalibur, Taz & Kevin Kelly welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match of the main show.

MJF imitated Tanahashi to begin the match. The two locked up before Tanahashi dropped MJF to the mat before playing the Air Guitar. The two locked up again before MJF dropped Tanahashi before playing Air Guitar of his own. Tanahashi hit a shoulder tackle on MJF to send him to the outside. MJF walked down the ramp before Tanahashi organized the chants to call MJF a "Coward". This pissed MJF off before he got back in the ring. MJF extended his hand to Tanahashi for "Sportsmanship" before going for a gut kick, but Tanahashi caught him with a left jab.

MJF got the referee in between himself & Tanahashi before slamming Tanahashi into the middle turnbuckle and sending him crashing into the top rope. MJF locked in a Waist Lock on Tanahashi before catching him with a knee lift into the abdomen. Tanahashi got MJF in a Schoolboy for a near fall before running the ropes, but MJF reversed it with an Abdominal Stretch. MJF continued to hold the rope while holding the Abdominal Stretch, but the referee caught him and kicked MJF's hand off the rope before Tanahashi hit a Hip Toss on MJF. Tanahashi hit a forearm strike on MJF and caught him with a series of jabs before hitting a Flipping Senton on MJF for a near fall.

Tanahashi climbed to the top rope, but MJF caught him with a jab into the abdomen. MJF went for a Superplex on Tanahashi, but Tanahashi slammed MJF onto the mat before hitting MJF with a Diving Crossbody on MJF. Tanahashi hit an Irish Whip on MJF, but MJF flipped into the apron before climbing to the top rope, but Tanahashi caught him and hit the Rocket Launcher for a near fall. Tanahashi climbed to the top rope, but MJF moved the rope to send him crashing into the top turnbuckle. MJF saw the opening and hit a Superplex on MJF to get Tanahashi for the pin, but Tanahashi kicked out at two. MJF went for the Heat Seeker on Tanahashi, but Tanahashi sent him into the mat. Tanahashi got back in the ring, but MJF caught him with a Shoulder Breaker on Tanahashi for a near fall.

MJF spat in the face of Tanahashi before calling Tanahashi a "joke". Tanahashi popped back up to confront MJF before telling MJF to hit him with his best shot, but MJF hit an eye poke on Tanahashi. MJF ran at Tanahashi, but Tanahashi caught him with a Dragon Screw before locking in a Texas Cloverleaf on MJF, but MJF broke the hold by grabbing the rope. MJF hit a knee strike on Tanahashi, but Tanahashi responded by hitting the Twist & Shout before hitting the Sling Blade on MJF. Tanahashi climbed to the top rope before going for the High Fly Flow, but MJF blocked it with his own injured knee. MJF grabbed the championship off the timekeeper's table, but the referee took it away. Tanahashi got MJF with a Schoolboy, but the referee did not see it. As Tanahashi argued with the referee, MJF pushed Tanahashi into the referee before catching him with a Diamond Ring-assisted punk on Tanahashi for the pinfall win.

The first of the Men's Owen Cup Quarter Final bouts began with the two locking up before Kijima locked in a headlock on CM Punk, followed by a shoulder block on CM Punk. Kojima & CM Punk locked up again before CM Punk locked in a headlock, but Kojima responded with a shoulder block on CM Punk. The two locked up again before Kojima backed CM Punk in the corner and fired away with punches, followed by a hip toss & a shoulder tackle on CM Punk before popping his pecs. CM Punk caught Kojima with a gut kick before sending him to the outside and popping his pecks. Outside of the ring, Kojima & CM Punk exchanged chops on the barricade before Kojima sent CM Punk flying over the barricade into the Timekeeper's table.

Still outside of the ring, CM Punk caught Kojima with a chop before getting on the apron, but Kojima caught him with a chop block. Back in the ring, Kojima stomped away at CM Punk before running the ropes, but CM Punk caught him with a dropkick. CM Punk hit a Scoop-Slam before hitting the Leg Drop on Kojima, channeling Hulk Hogan to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Kojima popped back up and hit a series of chops on Kojima, but CM Punk responded with a series of punches before hitting a snap-mare into a Lateral Press on Kojima for a near fall. CM Punk hit a series of LARIATS on Kojima into the corner before hitting a back suplex on Kojima for a near fall. Kojima hit a chop on Kojima before hitting the Mongolian Chop on Kojima in the corner. CM Punk went for a Corner Splash, but Kojima evaded before hitting he Machine Gun Chops on CM Punk. Punk walked into the other corner, but Kojima caught him with another series of Machine Gun Chops on CM Punk.

Kojima hit a forearm strike on CM Punk into the corner before hitting a vicious Diving Elbow Drop on CM Punk right in the penis for a near fall. Kojima hit a series of forearm strikes on Punk before catching him with a DDT. Kojima locked in a Cravat on CM Punk, but CM Punk pushed him into the corner before catching him with a Rising Knee Strike followed by a lariat. CM Punk climbed to the top rope before hitting an Elbow Drop on Kojima for a near fall, but CM Punk immediately responded by locking in the Anaconda Vice. Kojima hit a series of Ridge-Hand Shots on Punk to break the hold, but CM Punk got back up. CM Punk hit two Mongolian Chops before going for the GTS, but Kojima hit a series of elbows before hitting. series of Mongolian Chops into the Koji Cutter on CM Punk.

Kojima went for his Signature Lariat, but CM Punk evaded and hit a neck breaker on Kojima for a near fall. CM Punk hit a series of elbows & chops before grabbing Kojima for the FTS. CM Punk went for the GTS, but Kojima blocked it before hitting a chop and a Brainbuster on CM Punk for a near fall. Kojima went for the Lariat on CM Punk, but CM Punk evaded before hitting the GTS on Kojima to get the pinfall win, advancing into the Owen Hart Foundation Tourney Semi-Finals.

- All Out was announced to take place in the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

Cassidy hit the taunt kicks on all three before Cassidy pushed Sabre Jr into Shibata. Cassidy hit a Tope Suicida on Shibata & Sabre Jr. Garcia locked in a Dragon Tamer on Cassidy, but Shibata broke the hold before locking in a Figure Four on Cassidy. Sabre Jr hit a neck crank on Cassidy before locking in a Deathlock. Arm Drag combo on Cassidy, but Garcia broke the hold. Garcia, Shibata & Sabre Jr exchanged strikes before Garcia hit a double lariat on the two and did his dance. The four competitors exchanged boot kicks before catching each other with boot kicks all at once. Sibabat locked in a Cobra Twist while Sabre Jr locked in the Cobra Twist on Cassidy. Shibata & Sabre Jr broke the holds & exchanged strikes. Sabre Jr & Shibata were locked into Slepeers by Garcia & Cassidy, but they continued to exchange strikes. The four competitors exchanged Suplexes before Cassidy hit the Stundog Millionaire into a Tornado DDT on Garcia for a near fall.

Sabre Jr got Cassidy's hand and sent him into the apron before driving Cassidy's fingers into the apron, but Cassidy pushed Sabre Jr into the ring post. Meanwhile, in the ring, Garcia slammed Shibata with The ROH Pure title to get the pin, but Shibata kicked out. Garcia fired away with Forearm Strikes on Shibata, but Shibata popped back up and fired away the strikes on Sabre Jr before catching him with the Stalling dropkick. Shibata & Cassidy sat down in the center of the ring and exchanged slaps before Cassidy put his hansa in his pockets and hit the Orange Punch, but Shibata stayed on his feet before hitting a Forearm on Cassidy. Shibata went for a Piledriver on Cassidy, but Cassidy reversed it with a Beach Break for a near fall. Sabre Jr came back in the ring and worked on Cassidy's hand before locking in a hold on Cassidy, but Garcia broke the hold. Sabre Jr hit a Pele Kick and Blasting Garcia with a forearm. Sabre Jr locked in another hold on Cassidy, but Shibata broke it by locking in a Sleeper before going for the Penalty Kick. Sabre Jr went for the European Clutch, but Garcia broke the pin. Garcia tossed Shibata to the outside before Garcia got Sabre Jr in a Backslide into a Piledriver on Sabre Jr. Shibata caught Garcia Flush with a Penalty Kick, but Cassidy tossed Shibata to the outside before getting Garcia for the pinfall win.

- Shibata, Cassidy & Sabre Jr argued in the ring before Shibata & Cassidy shook hands.

The match began with the referee "Red Shoes" being shouted out by the referee. SANADA & Perry locked up before SANADA backed Perry into the ropes. The two locked up again before SANADA hit a shoulder tackle on Perry. Perry rolled through and locked in the Snare Trap on SANADA, but SANADA went to the ropes to break the hold. SANADA & Perry ran the ropes before SANADA caught Perry with a dropkick to send him to the outside. SANADA skimmed the cat onto the apron, but Perry caught SANADA with a dropkick before hitting a Tope Suicida to the outside.

Back in the ring, Perry got a Lateral Press on SANADA, but SANADA kicked out at two. SANADA & Perry exchanged chops before Perry went for the Paradise Lock, but Perry evaded. Perry went for a sunset flip, but SANADA locked Perry in the Paradise Lock to wrap him up in a knot before catching Perry with a Shotgun Dropkick into Perry's butt for a near fall. The two exchanged chops before SANADA dropped Perry onto the mat. Perry ran the ropes, but SANADA caught him with a Hig Boot, but Perry popped back up and hit a dropkick on SANADA. Perry hit a Thrust Kick, a lariat, and a Tiger Driver on SANADA for a near fall. Perry went for a suplex on SANADA, but SANADA responded by hitting the neck twist.

Perry & SANADA exchanged strikes in the center of the ring before Perry hit a vicious chop on SANADA. SANADA hit a chop of his own on Perry, but Perry responded with a weak Uppercut. SANADA hit an uppercut on Perry before going for a second, but Perry got a Backslide on SANADA for a near fall. SANADA went for a Death Valley Driver on Perry, but Perry responded by locking in a Dragon Sleeper before SANADA got a rope break. Perry ran the ropes, but SANADA caught himwith a TKO for a near fall. SANADA went for a Reverse Suplex, but Perry landed on his feet before catching him with a Poison Rana. SANADA hit a Poison Rana on Perry before catching Perry with a Shinning Wizar for a near fall. SANADA hit a backbreaker on Perry before hitting a Moonsault Press on Perry off the top rope for the pinfall win.

- After the match, HOOK lifted Perry's hand on the ramp, but Perry caught HOOK flush with a vicious lariat. Perry picked up HOOK's FTW Championship before tossing it onto HOOK, which caused Taz to lose it on the broadcast table after Perry attacked his son.

Tony Schiavone joined the broadcast team for the remainder of the night.

Claudio & Kingston began the match, but Claudio immediately tagged in Umino. Page tagged in and locked up with Umino before hitting a Boot Kick on Umino. Ishii tagged in before both Ishii & Page yelled at Umino and caught him flush with a shoulder tackle. Takeshita tagged in and immediately exchanged strikes with Ishii for a delightfully extended period of time before the two stared exchanging shoulder blocks & tackles before the two collapsed into the mat. The Young Bucks tagged in and hit an Assitsed Tijeras on Takeshita, a Backbreaker/ Neck Breaker combo on Yuta, and a Dropkick on Umino. Moxley tagged in to protect Umino, but that was until Kingston tagged in. The two old friends argued before Moxley hit a forearm on Kingston, but Kingston dropped his straps and began exchanging chops with Moxley for a vicious period of time before Kingston hit a chop on Yuta while Moxley hit a chop on Nick Jackson.

The rest of the two teams brawled inside and outside of the ring while Moxley& Kingston continued to chop each other. Yong Bucks & Page hit Dives to the outside while Moxley. &Kingston continued to exchange chops, but Claudio broke the sequence by hitting an uppercut on Kingston. Castagnoli fired away with stomps on Kingston before catching him with a vicious uppercut. Kingston fired away with chops on Claudio, but Claudio responded with a short-hand lariat. Yuta tagged in and fired away with punches on Kingston before Claudio hit a cheap shot at Kingston. Takeshita tagged back in and locked in a Camel Clutch, but Ishii came to the ring and fired away with forearm strikes on Takeshita, but Takshita responded with a vicious Forearm strike on Ishii, knocking him out.

Umino tagged in and stomped away at Kingston before Claudio tagged back in and hit a series of uppercuts on Kingston in the corner, but Kingston popped back up and hit a lariat on Claudio. Moxley tagged in and blocked Kingston from making the tag. Moxley & Kingston argued again & exchanged vicious chops yet again before laying each other out with lariats. Ishii & Umino tagged back in, with Ishii hitting a shoulder tackles on Umino & Yuta. Ishii then exchanged strikes with Claudio before Claudio went for a Vertical Suplex, but Ishii blocked it and hit a Brainbuster on Claudio. Umino & Takeshita attacked Ishii before they hit a Powerbomb/ Reverse DDT Combo on Ishii for a near fall. Moxley tagged in, but Ishii pushed Mox into Umino before hitting a German Suplex on Moxley and a Saito Suplex on Umino.

Page tagged in and fired away with lariats on everyone in sight before hitting a Fall-Away Slam on Takeshita, a dive on Yuta, a boot kick on Takeshita into Th arms of The Jacksons before hitting Takeshita with a Hanging Shooting Star Press. Back in the ring, Page hit a lariat on Takeshita for a near fall. Takeshita caught Page with a vicious forearm before The Eltie caught Takeshita with a double enziguri kick/ lariat combo on Takeshita. The Young Bucks hit a Sliced Bread Combo on Takeshita before going for the Golden Trigger, but Takeshita evaded before catching the Jacksons with a double German SUplex. The Jacksons caught Takeshita, Claudio & Moxley with thrust kicks before going for another thrust kick on Moxley, but Kingston pushed Moxley out of the way. Moxley hit a Death Rider on Nick Jackson before Takeshita hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Matt for a near fall.

Takeshita hit a Tombstone on Matt before hitting him with a Wheelbarrow Suplex into Yuta's German Splex for a near fall. Umino & Moxley hit the Hart Attack on Matt before Claudio & Yuta hit the Swing/ Dropkick combo for a near fall. Claudio & Yuta went for the Rocket Launcher, but Nick Jackson blocked it before Ishii hit a Superplex on Yuta for a near fall. Kingston & Ishii hit a Gamonguri/ Lariat sandwich combo on Yutafor a near fall. Yuta got a pin on Ishii, but Nick Jackson broke the pin. Everyone came in before Moxley caught Kingston with a Cutter, but The Jacksons caught Moxley with Thrust Kicks. Page went for a Buckshot, but Yuta evaded and hit a German SUplex. Ishii popped back up and hit a vicious lariat on Yuta before Ishii hit the Sheer Drop Brainbuster on Yuta for the pinfall win.

The match began with the two locking up before Willow dropped Storm onto the mat for a near fall before Storm rolled out of the ring. Back in the ring, Willow dropped Storm again before going rolling up and getting a Lateral Press into a Scoop Slam on Storm. Willow hit a standing Hip Attack on Storm before sending her to the outside. Willow took out Soho & Saraya before she got back into the apron, but Storm caught her with a hip attack to send her crashing into the ringside floor before Saraya & Soho stomped away at Willow.

Back in the ring, Saraya pulled Willow from her hair while Storm laid her boot on Willow. Storm hit a Snap-Suplex on Willow for a near fall before transitioning into locking in a Full Nelson on Willow. Storm continued to hold the Full Nelson, but Willow got out of the hold before hitting a Thrust Kick on Storm. Storm hit a Stunner on Willow into the top rope before going for the Storm Zero on Willow, but Willow reversed it with a Death Valley Driver onto the apron. Willow then picked Storm back up before hitting a Running Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Saraya tossed spray paint to Storm, but the referee caught her and kicked Soho & Saraya out of the match. Willow hit a vicious lariat before attempting a Moonsault Press, but Storm evaded before hitting a DDT, a Vicious Hip Attack, and a Swinging DDT on Willow for a near fall, with Storm being busted open from the nose. Willow hit a vicious Spinebuster on Storm before locking in the Side Indian Deathlock on Storm, but Storm broke the hold by biting Willow's knee. Storm went for another Hip Attack, but Willow caught her with THE POUNCE to send her outside. Willow hit a hip attack and a series of corner lariats. Storm got The referee between herself and Willow, which was followed up by Storm gauging Willow in the eyes before hitting Storm Zero for the pinfall win.

The dream rematch began with the two having a stare-down as the crowd serenaded Ospreay & Omega. Omega & Ospreay locked up before Omega got a wrist lock on Ospreay, but Ospreay responded with a headlock. Omega locked in another wrist lock before transitioning into a nap-mare into a headlock on Spreeay, but Ospreay responded with an elbow breaker on Omega. Ospreay & Omega exchanged headlock & head scissors holds before Ospreay got a headstand to break the hold, but Omega spiked Ospreay's head. Ospreay & Omega exchanged strikes in the corner before Ospreay hit a knife-edge chop on Omega. Omega went for the one Winged Angel but Opsreay evaded. The two went for their signature moves before Ospreay went for a kick on Omega, but Omega ducked before the two had a second stare-down.

Ospreay thumbed Omega's eyes before slamming Omega's head into the top turnbuckle before he hit a chop on Omega in the corner. Ospreay hit knee lifts on Omega in the head & abdomen before going for a shoulder block, but Omega evaded before hitting the Hurricanrana and the "You Can't Escape" Combo on Ospreay for a near fall. Omega ran the ropes, but Don Callis pulled Omega's leg. The two giant security guards stepped across from Omega as the referee ejected Callis from the match, but Ospreay hit a Diving Crossbody on Omega before tossing him into the stairs, damaging Omega's knee. Back in the ring, Ospreay hit a Spinning Side Backbreaker on Omega for a near fall. Ospreay hit a Forearm Shiver on Omega's back, but Omega responded with a series of vicious chops before Ospreay hit a gut kick into a Brainbuster on Omega for a near fall. Ospreay locked in an Abdominal Stretch on Omega before catching him with a cross chop into the abdomen. Omega got back up and hit the Bulldog followed by kicking Ospreay in the thigh before hitting the Dunk on Ospreay for a near fall.

Omega hit a kick on Ospreay, but Ospreay responded with a back flip into a thrust kick before hitting Omega with a Hanging Shooting Star Press on Omega, followed by the Oz Cutter on Omega into the apron. Ospreay repaid the receipt that Omega gave him on WrestleKingdom 17 by slamming Omega's head into the top of the broadcast table, all while the referee booed Ospreay. Ospreay got the broadcast table lid and slammed Omega's head into the lid, busting Omega's head wide open to make The Cleaner bleed in a large amount. Back in the ring, Ospreay fired away with forearm strikes before kissing his bicep filled with Omega's blood.

The two exchanged strikes before Ospreay hit a Rolling Elbow on Omega. Ospreay aimed at Omega and hit Omega with a vicious V-Trigger to send him into the apron as Ospreay argued with a child on ringside. Ospreay then got Canadian Flag and put it in his royal nards before picking his nose with the flag, but Omega caught him flush with a lariat. Omega got the flag and hit two Maple Leaf Veals on Ospreay before hanging Ospreay with the flag on the Ospreay before Ospreay rolled to the outside before catching Ospreay with a V-Trigger to the barricade. Omega then slammed Ospreay's head into the stairs, busting Ospreay open from the head. Omega then hit Ospreay with a DDT into the stairs.

Back in the ring, Omega tried to lock in a Juji Gatame on Ospreay, but Ospreay reversed it with a Powerbomb to break the hold. Ospreay & Omega exchanged a series of German Suplexes before Ospreay hit a Backward headbutt. Omega hit a Brogue Knee on Ospreay, but Ospreay responded with a Running Spanish Fly for a near fall. Ospreay got Omega and locked in the Sharpshooter before transitioning into the Crossface on Omega. Omega tried to roll through to break the hold, but Ospreay maintained the hold, cutting Omega's nose and mouth from breathing before Omega got a rope break. Ospreay hit a series of kicks on Omega before catching him with a chop, but Omega responded with a chop of his own. The two exchanged strikes before Ospreay hit a vicious headbutt on Omega, followed by a vicious roundhouse kick and a thrust kick. Ospreay went for another Oz Cutter, but Omega blocked it by hitting a nasty knee strike on Ospreay's neck.

Omega hit two of Snap-Dragon Suplexes before hitting Knee Strike to the back, a Poison Rana & a Piledriver for a near fall. Omega got Ospreay and hit a Yushigoroshi before hitting a V-Trigger into the middle turnbuckle. Omega got Osreay up and went for an Avalanche One-WInged Angel, but Osreapy evaded and trapped Omega's head in the top turnbuckle before catching him with a thrust kick to send him to the outside. Ospreay then hit a Phoenix Splash on Omega to the outside. Back in the ring, Ospreay hit a Blindsight Shite on Omega before going for the Hidden Blade, but Omega evaded before catching Onspreay with a V-Trigger and attempting a lariat, but Ospreay rolled over Omega before catching him with Liger Bomb for a near fall. Ospreay popped back up and hit a Top Rope Oz Cutter on Ospreay, but Omega kicked out at two. Ospreay went for the Oz Cutter, but Omega caught him with a Piledriver.

Don Callis came back to the ringside area despite being kicked out. Omega hit two vicious Rising Knee Strikes on Ospreay before hitting a V-Trigger on Omega. Omega went for the V-Trigger on Ospreay, but Callis blocked it. Omega still went ahead and hit the V-Trigger on Ospreay. While the referee was not aware, Callis passed Ospreay the Screw Driver. Omega went for the One-Winged Angel on Ospreay, but Ospreay spiked Omega with the Screw Driver before hitting the V-Trigger into the Storm Breaker for a near fall.

Ospreay got Omega and hit the Gamogoye before slamming Omega with he One-Winged Angel on Omeag, but Omega kicked out at one to the roar of the crowd. Ospreay. &Omega exchanged pals strikes, a thrust kick & a knee strike before Omega hit a Brainbuster on Ospreay. Omega went for the One-Winged Angel on Ospreay, but Ospreay blocked it before Omega hit a Hanging German for a near fall. The continued to exchange moves before Ospreay hit a nasty Tiger Driver 91 for a near fall. Ospreay ended proceedings by hitting the Hidden Blade into the Storm Breaker for the pinfall win.

Naito & Guevara began the match before Guevara tried to lock up with Naito, but Naito ducked him. Naito tried to lock up with Guevara, but Guevara ducked under Naito. Naito got a headlock on Guevara before hitting him with a gut kick, but Guevara responded with a Cork Screw Dropkick. Naito tossed Guevara out of the ring before teasing a tope, but instead rolled into the mat and did the "Tranquilo" pose to the delight of the crowd. Guevara hit an enziguri and ran the ropes, but Naito hti an arm drag followed by a running dropkick on Guevara. Allin tagged in to confront Guevara, but Suzuki tagged in instead.

Allin * Suzuki exchanged forearm strikes, but Suzuki leaned back before dropping Allin with a forearm, busting Allin's mouth open. Allin hit an overhead chop on Suzuki, but Suzuki responded with a slap. Alliin went for a Coffin Spash, but Suzuki caught him with a pin before Allin reversed it for a near fall. Sting tagged in and locked eyes with Suzuki to the roar of the crowd, but that was stopped when Suzuki tagged Jericho in. Suzuki & Jericho attacked Sting from behind as Guevara joined, but Allin & Naito got Suzuki & Guevara out. of the ring. Jericho went for a Stinger Splash on Sting, but Sting evaded before locking in the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting went for the hold, but Guevara caught him with a headbutt off the top rope.

Guevara & Jericho hit a double shoulder tackle on Sting before Jericho, Guevara & Szuki posed in the corner. Guevara laid in a series of punches on Sting, but Sting slammed Guevara with a Flapjack before tagging in Allin. Allin hit some rapid-fire offense on Guevara before Allin hit a Code Red on Guevara for a near fall. Guevara responded by hitting an Avalanche Spanish Fly on Allin for a near fall. Allin & Guevara butted heads before Naito tagged in. Naito hit a boot kick on Jericho followed by a Hurricanrana before spitting on Jericho's face and hitting a neck breaker. Suzuki, Guevara & Jericho locked in Sleepers on all members. of the Stingbobernables before Allin hit a Tope on Suzuki. Allin went for a Tope on Jericho, but Jericho caught him with an uppercut.

Back in the ring, Guevara caught Naito with a knee strike before he sent Sting into the barricade. Jericho got a table and placed Sting on the table before demanding Guevara to hit a dive on Sting. Guevara obliged and hit a 630 on Sting into the table. Back in the ring, Jericho went for the Lionsault, but Naito blocked it before attempting the Destino, but Jericho blocked it and locked in a Boston Crab, but Sting broke the hold before Suzuki got involved. Jericho hit the Code Breaker on Naito, but Naito kicked out. Suzuki tagged back in and tried to attack Naito, but Sting came back into Sting, Darby Allin & Tetsuya Naito the ring. Sting & Naito hit an Atomic Drop/ Lariat/ Rolling Pin on Suzuki for the pinfall win.

The dream match main event began with the two locking up before Danielson went for a Juji Gatame, but Okada evaded the hold as the crowd chanted "YOU'RE GONNA GET YOU'RE F**KING HEAD KICKED IN" at Okada, an ode to Danielson's run in Ring of Honor. Danielson got Okada and went for the Romero Special on Okada, but instead hit a double stomp on Okada's knees. The two locked up again before Okada got a headlock into a shoulder tackle on Danielson. Danielson flipped over Okada before the two ran the ropes, but Okada caught him in the jaw with a back elbow before hitting a snap-mare into a sliding dropkick to send Okada to the outside.

On the outside, Okada hit an Irish Whip on Danielson into the barricade before hitting a Helluva Kick to send him over the barricade. Danielson slammed Okada into the ring posts before hitting a running dropkick through the ropes followed by a Diving Knee on Okada off the apron. Danielson got Okada in a Hammerlock before slamming Okada into the ring post yet again. Back in the ring, Danielson hit a double knee-drop on Okada off the top rope for a near fall. Danielson hit a series of Anvil Elbows on Okada before locking in the Cattle Mutilation, transitioning into Wheeler Yuta's Seatbelt Pin for a near fall. Danielson hit the Baszler stomp on Okada's bent elbow before catching him with a series of chops & kicks in the corner, but Okada powered through. Danielson hit another kick on Okada's chest, but Okada fired up before slamming Danielson into the corner with an Irish Whip into a Flapjack.

Okada hit lariats on Danielson before doing a drop-step into. about kick on Danielson. Okada hit a back elbow on Danielson in the corner before spiking Danielson with a DDT for a near fall. Okada went for an Air Raid Crash, but Danielson evaded and hit an uppercut on Okada. Okada placed Danielson on the top rope before sending him crashing to the floor with a dropkick. Outside of the ring, Okada tossed Danielson over the barricade before hitting a cross-body on Danielson over the barricade in the audience area. Back in the ring, Okada locked in a Money Clip on Danielson, but Danielson backed Okada in the corner to break the hold. Danielson went for a corner splash on Okada, but Okada caught him and hit the Air Raid Neckbreaker on Danielson for a near fall. Okada placed Danielson on the top rope before going for a Landslide off the top rope, but Danielson booked it before hitting a Shotgun Dropkick on Okada off the top rope.

Danielson hit a series of uppercuts on Okada, but Okada responded with a series of uppercuts of his own. The two continued to exchange vicious uppercuts before Okada went for a fourth, but Danielson blocked it before hitting another dropkick, but Okada caught him flush with a shotgun dropkick. Danielson floated over Okada's attempt of a Tombstone before hitting a German Suplex and two running kick on Okada, but Okada responded with a dropkick. Okada went for the Rainmaker, but Danielson evaded before Okada caught Danielson again with another dropkick on Danielson. Okada went for a diving elbow, but Danielson reversed it with a Juji Gatame before transitioning into the LeBelle lock on Okada, but Okada grabbed the ropes for the rope break. Danielson hit a Penalty Kick on Okada's back. Danielson went for a Tope, but Okada caught him and went for a Rain Maker, but Danielson caught him with a kick. Danielson went for the Yes Kicks on Okada before attempting a Roundhouse Kick, but Okada evaded and hit Danielson with a Tombstone on the ramp.

Back in the ring, Okada hit an Elbow Drop on Danielson off the top rope before signaling for the Rain Maker. Okada tried to pick Danielson back up, but the referee briefly stopped the match before the medical staff checked on Danielson. Okada went for the Rain Maker while Danielson was convulsing, but Danielson evaded before hitting the Running Knee on Danielson. Okada fired down strikes on Danielson before going for a German Suplex, but Danielson landed on his feet before hitting the Running Knee for a near fall.

Danielson began to kick Okada's head in before connecting Okada with a Roundhouse Kick for a near fall. Danielson rallied up the Yes Chants before going for the running knee, but Okada caught him with a dropkick before catching him with the Rain Maker for a near fall. Okada hit a lariat on Danielson before connecting him with a short-hand lariat. Okada went for another Rain Maker, but Danielson evaded before locking in the LeBelle Lock on Okada before transitioning into a Figure Four Arm Hold on Okada. Okada missed the bottom rope before Danielson continued to stomp away at Okada's head. Okada locked in the Figure Four Arm Lock yet again, leading Okada to tap out and give Danielson the Submission win. The American Dragon stood tall toend the broadcast.

- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door (6/25/2023)IWGP United States Championship Match: IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match:AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match: AEW International Championship Match: AEW Women's World Championship: Men's Owen Hart Foundation Tournament - Quater Final Match: Zero Hour: Women's Owen Hart Invitational Cup - Quater Final Match: Zero Hour:Zero Hour:Zero Hour:Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland, Brian Cage, Kaun & Toa Liona) (w/ Prince Nana) vs. El Desperado & CHAOS (Chuck Taylor, Rocky Romero & Trent Beretta).Winners: Mogul Embassy (Swerve Strickland, Brian Cage, Kaun & Toa Liona).Women's Owen Hart Invitational Cup - Quater Final Match.Athena vs. Billie Starks.Winner: Athena.Stu Grayson (w/ Vincent & Dutch of The Righteous) vs. El Phantasmo.Winner: El Phantasmo.United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher & TJP) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI).Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI).AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match.MJF (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi.Winner AND STILL AEW World Champion: MJF.Men's Owen Hart Foundation Tournament - Quater Final Match.CM Punk vs. Satoshi Kojima.Winner: CM Punk.AEW International Championship Match.Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata vs. Daniel Garcia vs. Zack Sabre Jr.Winner: Orange Cassidy.IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match.SANADA (c) (w/ DOUKI) vs. "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry (w/ HOOK).Winner AND STILL IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: SANADA.Konosuke Takeshita, Shota Umino & Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Eddie Kingston, Tomohiro Ishii & The Elite ("Hangman" Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson).Winners: Eddie Kingston, Tomohiro Ishii & The Elite ("Hangman" Adam Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson).AEW Women's World Championship Match.Toni Storm (c) (w/ Saraya & Ruby Soho) vs. Willow Nightingale.IWGP United States Championship Match.Kenny Omega (c) vs. Will Ospreay (w/ Don Callis).Winner AND NEW IWGP United States Champion: Will Ospreay.Sting, Darby Allin & Tetsuya Naito vs. Le Suzuki Gods (Minoru Suzuki, Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara).Winners: Sting, Darby Allin & Tetsuya Naito.Bryan Danielson vs. Kazuchika Okada.Winner: Bryan Danielson.